While working on
St. Therese's section of Patricia Mischell's website, I took a short
break to talk to a friend of mine. We were talking in front of my
home and I had glanced at a philodendra plant and noticed that there was
something unusual on the underside of the leaf. I took a closer
look and found a small white object in the shape of a rose. I
inspected the underside of all of the leaves and found no more
When my husband came home that afternoon, I asked him to look at the rose.
He questioned if there were other roses on the plant. I told
him there where no other roses but he went back to check for himself. I was
stunned when he returned telling me that the plant was covered with the
same rose shape object.
A few days later I was sitting on my front porch and noticed a
constant steady drip coming from in front of my awning.
This was more than strange because there was nothing in front of the
awning except the sky. There also were no traces of water on the ground
where liquid drops would have landed. Then, from my vantage point
on the porch, the droplets which appeared large were actually as small as a pin head close up. The drip
continued until approximately 6:15 p.m.
The following day I noticed this same dripping at 4:15 in the
afternoon. I told my husband to come and look at it and let me
know what he thought. After investigating he also was puzzled.
There was no beginning and no end to it. The drops were coming from no
where and dissipated before they reached the ground.
After thinking about this for a while, I wondered if the roses and the
drops had some correlation to Sister Theresé. I decided to call
Patricia Mischell to hear her thoughts about this. She confirmed that
it sounded like St. Theresé. Patricia advised me to catch
the drops because they were St. Therese's way of giving blessings and
for me to say what I would like. I told my husband what Patricia had said
and he ran out and caught the last drop of the night. He made a
request for our internet connection to work (it must have been a "man
thing"). Our internet connection had not been working for approximately a
week. After making his request, he promptly went into the house and tried
to connect to the internet. It worked! He had tried
to connect several times that day with no success. I can't say that
my husband is a believer because he says "it isn't something
you believe in, it is something that is a fact, something you
know." Now he says that he knows.
The following day, the "tear drops" fell for only an hour
and were also witnessed by my friend and my husband. We stood under
the tear drops and requested blessings for our friends, families,
neighbors, and animals. I started to see evidence of Saint
Therese's blessings the next day. After receiving the blessings that evening
I found yet another lost puppy and decided to take her to the Humane Society
the following day. This was an emotional decision for me but I had
no other alternative. Because I'd already adopted too many abandoned
Saint Theresé blessed me and the puppy the next morning because the
puppy was adopted (before we even got to the front door of the Human
Society) by people I would characterize was the perfect family. So,
here it was
less than 24 hours from when I made the request for help-with-the- animals
and St. Theresé was already at work.
Saint Theresé had also blessed the family of a puppy named Max.
Max had two compound fractures of his leg and the family had spent $300 at
the emergency veterinarian. Max still needed surgery to the tune of
$1,000. The family adored their precious Max, but they were
unable to pay the $1,000 dollars upfront. They called me to see if
I could help. I phoned a list of Animal rescue agencies to see if
they knew a veterinarian that would accept payments over time. But
no one helped. I looked up in the sky and said "Little
Flower show your power" (a saying a friend told me about) and instantly goose bumps traveled down my body. I then called the
organization Animals, Actors and Others explaining what was needed to be
Within two minutes arrangements were made with a veterinarian. The
charge decreased from $1000 to $400 including neutering. $1,000
lower than the original price.
That is a miracle!
Thanks to God and Saint Theresé, Max is on his way to healing and the
family didn't have to go to the poor house.
I know in my heart and soul that it was Saint Theresé who guided
me to work for Patricia Mischell. Working for Patricia
Mischell has been a golden moment in my life. But knowing her is
truly a blessing from heaven. There is no doubt in my mind that
Saint Therese brings us closer to our Heavenly Father through her
blessings and her love.
