Directed through Patricia Mischell
On July 1, 1988, Sister Theresé, (also called the Little Flower) addressed a large audience at the Positive Living Center in Cincinnati, Ohio.  (No longer in session) At that time, her visits were on a weekly event.  Speaking with a European accent and using the vocal cords of Patricia Mischell,  Sister shared with the audience a lengthy message of prophecy, teachings about God and spiritual growth along with insights into current world events.  She repeatedly told us:  "I am just a messenger, and I must bring a message for Hope to a world that needs it." 

During those years St. Theresé would tell us that one day her messages would be known all around the world.  Of course, the internet was a very foreign thing in those days.  But, now we can understand what she was saying to us as this web site is in 'ALL FOREIGN COUNTRIES'.  So, indeed,  Sister's messages will be heard all around the world. 

Each message has been recorded on an audio cassette tape and is now available to you on her section of this web site.



Hope Ministries
The Little Flower
Copyright © 2000 Patricia Mischell & The Positive Living Center
 All Rights Reserved 



Rose Prayer Garden | Flowers from Heaven | Special Invocation  | How it all Began | What is A Trance  |  Message from Saint Theresé |  Patricia's Message about St. Theresé  | Documented Miracles  |  St. Theresé in the Media  | Feed the Hungry