- Affirmations
An affirmation is a declaration that something is
true. When you make this declaration, your subconscious believes it
is true. If you repeat an affirmative over and over again, it will
manifest as truth in your life. Remember that a thought is something
tangible. Thoughts that you send out into the universe eventually reappear
in your own life.
You may use affirmations not only during
prayer and meditation but also to maintain a positive state of mind when
doubts and fears panic your mind. Keep repeating the affirmation to
yourself until you are calm again. |
A Basic Affirmation.
The following affirmations are offered as examples of the depth, style,
and scope of affirmations. Affirmations such as these should be used
for every compartment of your life and being.
Use this basic affirmation to sustain your specific daily
- I now set in motion a new force that will create a steady flow of
harmony, health, and happiness in my life and release my potential
talents and abilities.
For self-acceptance
- I am a unique, confident, interesting human being receiving an
increasing flow of life's abundance. I completely and absolutely
accept myself, knowing that any negative conditions in my life are the
shadows of thoughts that are now eliminated.
- I hold only good, positive thoughts in my mind about myself, knowing
that they will be expressed in my life.
- My perception of my life is heightened, broadened, deepened.
Wholeness, beauty, joy, accomplishment, fulfillment, and
self-confidence now fill my mind.
- I am perfect: I am whole; I am a child of God.
- I enjoy life, people, and myself and live each moment to the fullest
without guilt, self-criticism, or judgment of others. What I was
yesterday no longer exists. What I am today is what counts.
To develop your personality
- I know that my personality is a reflection of my attitudes. My
attitudes are positive; therefore, my personality is positive.
People will react to me positively.
- I am ___________ (fill in the characteristic that you feel is most
important for you to acquire: confident, cheerful, enthusiastic,
poised, sincere, considerate, attentive, and so on).
- I am completely confident of myself with all people in every
- My life is in divine order. There is a season for all
things. My Higher Self know God's power is working for my good
- Let the love of the Infinite Intelligence make me more patient.
For spiritual growth
- Every day in every way, I am
becoming better and better.
- I act differently because I am
different. I am growing each day.
- I am free of any consciousness
of personal limitation, lack, doubt, or inferiority.
- I am positive, courageous, and
enthusiastic about every moment of my life. I know that holding
this thought in my mind will cause my positive experience to expand
and the negative experiences to pass quickly into nothingness.
- I accept success as a natural
and continuous outgrowth of my reprogrammed attitudes. I enter
joyfully into a full expression of this success.
- O Higher self, purify me;
create in me a clean heart; renew in me a right spirit.
For inner peace
- I am a peaceful, relaxed child
of God. I am relaxing my body, mind, and spirit. The
tension, stress, and strain are no longer there. I relax,
release, and let go.
- I face each day with
confidence and enthusiasm, ready to handle any problem with calmness
and assurance.
- The peace of my Higher Self is
moving through the top of my head, down through my body to the tips of
my toes. There is no place within me that does not feel this
- The peace of God moves through
all parts of my consciousness. I rest in His peace.
- My emotions are calm.
The peaceful indwelling presence of my Higher Self continues to calm
me. I am at peace.
- Father, in Thy mercy, in Thy
grace, bring to me and my consciousness the awareness of the peace of
my Higher Self: That I may say more often, "Father, Thy
will be done in and through me day by day."
- The infinite inner peace that
abounds in the Supreme Intelligence abounds in me, pouring out this
peace through my mind, body, and spirit. I am at peace.
For relationships with others
- I am conscious of only the
good in others.
- I am flexible and tolerant in
all my relationships with others.
- I love, like, and enjoy
__________ (name of spouse, family member or friend).
- I experience joy from my
present friendships and pleasure in making new friends.
- I love, believe in, trust, and
respect my children so wholeheartedly that I convey this confidence in
all my relationships with them.
- I am patient, skillful, and
understanding in dealing with all members of my family.
- I love all people and all
people love me, without attachment.
- I call on divine love to heal
our relationship now. I call on divine love to straighten out
and adjust this situation.
- Love changes situations that
seem impossible.

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2000 Patricia Mischell & The Positive Living Center
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