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30796.jpg (47156 bytes)

30796 New! Stone-finish, angelic hanging bird feeder. 12 3/4" x 4 1/2" x 14 1/2" high.  $34.95
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30797.jpg (37739 bytes)

30797 Stone-finish angel and cherub tableau. 9" x 7 1/4" x 10" high. $27.95

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30731.jpg (21896 bytes)

30731 Stone-finish, cherubs stand for displaying a favorite plant or candle.7 1/8" diameter x 12 1/4" high. $29.95
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30215.jpg (11234 bytes)

30215 New! With her apron sculpted into the form of a sea shell, this angel offers a fine repository for food for the birds of the garden. 5 1/2" x 5" x 4 1/4" high. $14.95
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27073.jpg (131675 bytes)

27073 An English garden's Victorian cherub birdbath inspired this charming object d'art. It's crafted in alabastrite with an antiqued stone finish. 6 1/2" x 5 3/4" x 11 1/2" high. $19.95

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30235.jpg (34519 bytes)

30235 A shy cherub hides among the flowers at the base of this distinctive stone washed birdbath. 8 1/2" diameter x 15 3/4" high. $39.95

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31202.jpg (15107 bytes)

31202 Cherub-style birdfeeder. 7" x 6" x 13 1/2" high. $19.95

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31203.jpg (17903 bytes)

31203 Angel-style bird feeder. 7" x 6" x 13 1/2" high. $19.95

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30217.jpg (49316 bytes)

30217 New! Stepping lightly among the morning glories is a garden sprite in a blossom hat bidding welcome to the visitors of this enchanting bird feeder. 6 1/2" x 5 1/2" x 10 1/2" high. $14.95

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