Banner Ad and Link


If your interested in placing Patricia Mischell's banner ad on your site, below are some HTML scripts that you can choose from to link from your site to Patricia Mischell's.  We have provided banner ads in different colors to help you coordinate your site.

Here is the HTML code to use in your web page to link to Patricia Mischell's  site.

Animated Banner Link:
COPY and PASTE the following HTML into your web page:

<!-- copy paste banner -->
<a href=""> <img src="" WIDTH=468 HEIGHT=60 BORDER=0 ALT=""></a>
<!-- End copy paste banner ad -->

This is how it will appear:

<!-- copy paste banner -->
<a href=""> <img src="" WIDTH=468 HEIGHT=60 BORDER=0 ALT=""></a>
<!-- End copy paste banner ad -->

This is how it will appear:

<!-- copy paste banner -->
<a href=""> <img src="" WIDTH=468 HEIGHT=60 BORDER=0 ALT=""></a>
<!-- End copy paste banner ad -->

This is how it will appear:


<!-- copy paste banner -->
<a href=""> <img src="" WIDTH=468 HEIGHT=60 BORDER=0 ALT=""></a>
<!-- End copy paste banner ad -->

This is how it will appear:


<!-- copy paste banner -->
<a href=""> <img src="" WIDTH=468 HEIGHT=60 BORDER=0 ALT=""></a>
<!-- End copy paste banner ad -->

This is how it will appear:

<!-- copy paste banner -->
<a href=""> <img src="" WIDTH=468 HEIGHT=60 BORDER=0 ALT=""></a>
<!-- End copy paste banner ad -->

This is how it will appear:

<!-- copy paste banner -->
<a href=""> <img src="" WIDTH=468 HEIGHT=60 BORDER=0 ALT=""></a>
<!-- End copy paste banner ad -->

This is how it will appear:


<!-- copy paste banner -->
<a href=""> <img src="" WIDTH=468 HEIGHT=60 BORDER=0 ALT=""></a>
<!-- End copy paste banner ad -->

This is how it will appear:

<!-- copy paste banner -->
<a href=""> <img src="" WIDTH=468 HEIGHT=60 BORDER=0 ALT=""></a>
<!-- End copy paste banner ad -->

This is how it will appear:


<!-- copy paste banner -->
<a href=""> <img src="" WIDTH=468 HEIGHT=60 BORDER=0 ALT=""></a>
<!-- End copy paste banner ad -->

This is how it will appear:


<!-- copy paste banner -->
<a href=""> <img src="" WIDTH=468 HEIGHT=60 BORDER=0 ALT=""></a>
<!-- End copy paste banner ad -->

This is how it will appear:



Simple Text Link:
COPY and PASTE the following HTML into your web page:

<!-- copy paste text link -->
<a href="">Patricia Mischell's Beyond Positive Thinking </a>
<!-- End copy paste Text Link -->

This is how it will appear:

Patricia Mischell's Beyond Positive Thinking


If you decide to place Patricia Mischell's banner ad on your site, please send an email and let us know the URL that the banner will be appearing on.

If you have Comments or questions please contact





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 All Rights Reserved