For those who are grieving this message is from a mother who passed
away. It was channeled through Patricia Mischell to her daughter
who received a reading from Patricia.
- This beautiful message is given to let you know that death is
not an end to it all. But, rather, the beginning of a
wonderful new life.
There is, indeed,
I speak these words to my family, my friends, to both
of my daughters, and to my devoted husband with whom I have never
stopped loving.
I know these words I speak are already born in each of your
hearts. Know that deep inside of you is 'a fountain, a
spring full of love and understanding' that was born within you at
the time of your birth. It is this fountain or spring
that we all are able to draw upon when someone we love is taken
from us.
Always know that death did not sever the love we had for each
other. It did not sever the feelings and emotions that
have tied us together as a family. It is because of our
deepest love, emotions and feelings that I can communicate
with you in this way now.
The immortal roots of our love will continue to grow even more so
in death than when I was with you in life. Never believe that our
spirits do not mingle daily with each other. My presence is
with you always.
Do not grieve for me for I am at peace. Think of me in a
world where one does not have to think about the worries of the
day. A place where one has a greater awareness of life in
general. A place where one does not have to do unless one
wants to do. A place where there is nothing lacking, and
there is no time. There's no arguing, no striving for possessions; we have everything we need. There are no
pressures or obligations that must be met. There are no
let-downs or disappointments. There are no regrets or
sorrows. I am finally free from all pain, all worry, all
discomfort. I now live in total peace and harmony.
I now live the life God promised me, eternal life.
I do not wish to sound as though I do not miss you or yearn
for those days when I was in my physical body. This is not
so. I would give up all of this if I could have remained in
the earth with all of you a healthy woman. My body that
had served me for a time so well, became weakened and tired.
My heart began to fail me. My deepest prayer and wish while
in my body was twofold: that I would never be a burden on my
family through a long, lingering illness, and I did
not want to live in a body racked with pain with no relief in
sight. My dearest Lord listened to my heart, and my prayers were
No one can express in words this wonderful world we now live in.
I am extremely happy. God has provided and His promises have
all come true. From my teachings about life, God and death I
knew that when one's measure of life had ended, whether
by disease, accident, or whatever, it was
then time for that one to take off his garment of flesh and be
ready to put on his spiritual garment that had been woven for him
from the beginning of time.
- As you know I was still young in my years when my measure of
life had come to an end. I had always thought I would grow old
with my family. Yet, my time had come; death had decided to
clutch my weakened heart. I was not going to be granted a long
life to live out my old age with the family I
dearly loved.
- I knew in my spirit that the shortness of breath which I had
been experiencing from time to time was not getting any better.
My lungs seemed to be filling up with fluid, and this, too, was
not a good sign. I noticed that even a little exercise left
me with fatigue.
My quivering body shook with fear as I lay there, trying
desperately to draw another breath. I still did not want to
give up on life yet. I still wanted to be near my loved ones
if only in this way. There was a moment when I felt so
afraid, not wanting death to call at my door and I wondered,
"Had Jesus felt like this? Did everyone who was ready to take
that last breath feel the same way? Is this why Jesus
uttered the
words, "My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me?"
No sooner had I thought these words than I felt a surge, like a
lifting out of my body. My body was lifting out of its bed of
pain. I looked down at what I knew would be the last contact
I would have with my body. It had served its purpose.
I knew it was time to let go, time to give it over
to God and to death. A voice from somewhere said, "Let
go so you can live again."
- At that moment, I felt a magnetic pulling from above, and
a radiation of light seemed to fill my senses. This
light became one with my new body. I was in the
spirit; my soul was free. As I felt myself letting go
of my earthly body, the beauty of all I had expected to happen was
beginning to
fill my new being.
- It was then that a familiar face came into view. It was my
mother's face. Her hands that I had once known so well
touched my hand. I was going home. I wasn't
afraid any longer. My spirit was being transported into what
seemed to be a happy land of dreams. During this dream sleep,
I heard voices calling to me. They are the voices of my loved
ones. I heard someone singing to me. I know somehow it
is my lady friends. I smile, "They sound pretty
good." Lots of people seem to be saying wonderful
things about me. I drift in and out of my dream.
- I awaken from my dream; I am still holding my mothers hand.
We look into each other's eyes. Her eyes tell me how
much she has missed me. My eyes look back into hers.
She knows, without my speaking, how much I love her.
We speak no words to each other, yet we are full of each other's
words and messages. We both seem to be speaking at the same
time, yet all is understood. I think to myself, "I have
learned so much from her in just a few seconds. Wouldn't this kind
of communication be wonderful for those in the earth who had
difficulty in expressing their love?"
We close our eyes. I feel a warmth of love spread over
my being. I am floating in ecstasy. We are together,
and nothing else seems to matter.
- I feel another hand holding my hand that is free. I open my
eyes, and before me is the most gentle of all men. He is
surrounded by a brilliant light. He smiles at me. His
face seems very familiar to me. His voice sings my name like
a lullaby. I think to myself, "Who is he? Why can
I not
remember his name?" As though he is reading my mind, he
says, " I am your guardian angel. God has asked that I bring
you home." My soul is full of joy. I
now know who he is. I remember now: "When my
little body began its journey into living, it was he who ushered
me into life." A voice from out of my memory spoke:
"Behold, I send an Angel before you to keep you in the way;
and to bring you into the place which I have prepared."
- With these words spoken, my angel and my mother both let
go of my hands. I am beginning to blend with the two of
them. I then become my own self again. For a
moment, I feel alone. I cannot see their faces. Where have
they gone? I cry out for them, " Please don't leave me
alone." As the words are spoken in my mind, a
light, filled with a thousand suns, emerges all around me. I
am being bathed in love. "I am in paradise. This must
be heaven," I say to myself.
- The light that surrounds all of my being now forms radiant
hands. These hands reach out and they now wrap
themselves around my once weakened body. I am being drawn
into perfect Love. I know now I have reached the gates of
paradise. I know I am in my Father's arms. The
peace that passes all understanding now fills my being.
I know I am now at home. It is then that the face
of my dear savior flashes before my mind. I am now looking
into the face of Jesus. I hear his voice: "As the
Father loved me, I also have loved you; abide in my love." It
is then I close my eyes. I am filled with a love and a peace
that is beyond words.
A memory surfaces from the world I have just left.
Words that I have read or heard flow into my mind "And this
is the promise that He has promised us eternal life." I
say to myself, "His promise has been fulfilled."
Words, music seemed to stop. I feel I am one with those I
have left behind. I hold each of them in my heart.
Their faces appear before me. I feel their love; I know we
have not separated for we live within each others' hearts. My
mind moves forward with great anticipation I am
bathed in the knowing that I will soon be standing and talking
with all of those whom I had been with in days gone by. Oh, what excitement fills my soul! We continue moving
through time and space. Colors I have never seen before
dance before us. An array of shooting
stars pass us by. I hear at a distance a choir
they are singing songs to me. The music and
voices take on a more heavenly harmony. I am wrapped in its
rapture. I know I am being released from all the cares of my
world. A voice from out of the brilliant light that surrounds all of us speaks: "Release, let go now
of all your burdens of the earth. Don't worry about those
you have
left behind; they will not be far from your memory. You will be
together again. It is time now for you to become familiar with
your new home." As we all came out of this splendid
light, I am born anew into a world of unspeakable beauty and yet
it resembles the world I have come from. Before
me looms mountains of great height. My first thought is,
"I wonder if I am dreaming?" Before my mind can
answer the question, my angel greets me with these words:
"This is your time to be alone with your soul. This is
your time of judgment. Your Book of Life is to be
revealed to you. Come with me now we will review it
together." Once again words flowed from out of my
memory: "For we shall all stand before the judgment
seat of Christ." For some reason, I wanted my mother to
be with me at this time. Maybe I was
afraid of what would be revealed and like a child, I needed her
support. My angel, again, read my thoughts. With this,
he said, "Only you can stand before your Judgment-Seat.
Your mother passed this way before you and she, too, had to
do it alone as you must."
- My angel instructed me to close my eyes. Soon I
would be going back in my memory, from the beginning of my birth
to the present time. I trembled, for I knew that my
slate would not be a clean one. Before me, a panorama of all
my life began to form. All that I had said and done, the
good and the bad, was being shown to me. A voice that did
not come from my angel said, "What have you done with your
life?" I knew the voice was that of my God who had had
wrapped His radiant arms around me just a short time ago. I
knew that my Lord, my angel and myself would be viewing my
total life on the earth together. Pictures of my life began
flashing on my mind like on a television or movie screen. Not
as I had seen or remembered the circumstances surrounding them,
but as though I had been given another pair of eyes, eyes that saw
what really happened. My life swept before me. I
was drawn back to that moment I was being born. I saw my
self coming in to life. I watch my mother take me in her arms.
The love she felt for me was indescribable. I now knew the
words I had heard: "No greater love then a mothers love, was
true." Now I understood what unconditional love
was. I too, being a mother had felt this same kind of love
for my children. Oh, how very much I would love to be
back home with my girls right now. I remembered wiping their
brows with fever. Before I could get to teary eyed a voice
spoke again: "You will always be with them. Your
job is now finished. It is time for you to go on."
I once again returned back to the panorama. I was a baby
again. I saw
my fathers face and felt his love for me. People's faces
flashed before me.
All those who would be a part of my life. I saw myself
growing through all the different stages of life. A baby, a
toddler taking my first step. My early childhood.
Going to school for the first time. Learning new and
exciting things and yet a little afraid of what the future had in
store for me. I saw my family, the children I played
with, my teachers, the aunts, uncles, and grandparents, nothing
was hidden to me.
- The panorama continued through my teenage years. The
awkwardness of growing up. I watched those embarrassing
moments and usual sexual explorations of childhood that each of us
must go through. But, for sure, we never want to talk about.
Here, the Lord was watching right along with me, but He never seem
to be surprised or upset. In fact, I felt His and my angels
Love for me even more. I saw me joining the church where I
would spend many of my happiest moments with my friends
& family. I was shown those times when I lost my temper
and blamed others for my failures. I reaped the joys of the good
things I performed in my life for others. I realized nothing
was hidden from Him who stood with me.
- My angel, upon viewing my pain of losing my family through my
death, felt along with me my deepest sorrow. And that was,
I would never again be able to hold my dear sweet husband in my
arms. I would no longer be able to feel
his body close to me. No longer would I sit across the table
and look into his eyes that I had loved for so long.
Our little disagreements we had didn't seem to matter anymore.
Our indifference about the children, the world, and other subjects
seemed so trivial. In fact, all of these things had no meaning to
me now.
As I viewed each incident on the screen of my mind, I
thought how foolish it was that in our disagreements and our
indifference's we both had lost such precious time.
I looked at his wonderful, strong face and fell deeply in love
with him
all over again. I saw into his heart and for the first
time I really understood him. How many times had I thought
he wasn't listening to me. When in reality he had other
things on his mind, and he really never heard me. If
only we could be with each other just one more time I thought, I
know we would appreciate each other more. Then the scene
changed and I knew there was no going back. What had been
said, was said. What had been done was done. That was
- My heart began to break into as I realized I would never be able
to hold my children again. Although they had both grown up
and were mature adult woman. I just wanted to take
them once again on my lap and rock them to sleep. I wanted
to wipe away their tears of sadness and laugh with them once again
when their lives were filled with joy. But all of this was
over. I could never talk with them again. I could
never wipe their brows with fever. I could never hear their
laughter. Oh, how very much I wanted to leave
this place and go back home to be with them.
- It was as though my angel lived within my heart, and felt my
pain, knew my deepest longing. His hand held mine ever so
tenderly as I moved in and out of this scene of agony.
With tears glistening in his eyes and a smile on his lips,
he looked at me and said, "They are even closer to you
today then ever before. The love you have for each other
will keep alive all that has been in the past. You will be
together soon." With this I felt a great
weight lifting up and off of me. I knew our family had lived
our lives to the fullest. I would not be forgotten. We
would be together again. The thought of this filled me with
an acceptance.
Once again I heard the words " What have you done with
your life?" I searched quickly thorough all the days I
had lived. As each day of my life opened before me I
found nothing of great esteem to be proud of. There
was no great invention left in my name. I had no worldly
fame that anyone would talk about. I had not
accumulated worldly skills, aptitudes or special accomplishments.
In fact, I was a lowly person. I was just an ordinary wife.
I was a down-to-earth mother. I had made quite a few
friends in my life and had been a friend to many.
Although I completed my basic schooling of the earth, I had
not gone on to acquire many degrees to my name. I had
nothing to share with God.
- After He watched me struggle trying to find something great
about my life. God said "My child, It is not the
greatness of one who brings great titles to this world, nor is it
that one who brings his material goals with him. It is
only the spiritual goal that counts; not the material goal, nor
the worldly skills, aptitudes or special accomplishments one
achieves while in the physical vehicle. The material passes
away. It is here to today. It is gone tomorrow.
The true riches are those which do not rust nor corrupt. The
materialist's gold and money crumble to dust before his eyes
when he reaches our world. It is what you have brought over
yourself that counts, not what you attained with self-satisfaction
in your spiritual blindness. You, my child, have built
within yourself that which makes you a candidate for these
Higher Realms.
- You were never a lowly person. You lived the Golden Rule.
You were indeed your brother's keeper. It was this concrete
foundation along with your religious attitudes, that kept
your heart always filled with love and compassion for those
who had suffered. You had a mission to perform and this you did.
You brought many a helping hand to the weary. You were a
magnificent and a loving wife who sacrificed much for her husband.
Your love for him was filled with deep meaning.
- As a mother you were dedicated to your children. Your friendship
with them will never be forgotten. Your friendship to so
many while in the earth will now bring you friendship in your new
I was shown all of the situations where I had brought pain and
sorrow to those people with whom I was associated in one way
or another. More then once the tears would fall. I
would wish with all my heart and soul I could go back and change
the situation to make it all right again. But each and
every time my Angel would help me through this very difficult
period and would advise me as to how I had made up for this
terrible act by something wonderful he would point out in my
behalf. I then viewed the happier moments of my life,
falling in love, getting married, having my first and then second
child, happy times with all of my family. Sharing the good
times with all my brothers and sisters in the church.
The panorama stopped. The review of my life came to an end.
- Now I knew why I could not have my mother with me during this
part of my Transition. My Angel was right it was only for my
own eyes.
As my Book of Life closed and my decree was given. My Lord,
along with my angel welcomed me into my new and everlasting home.
Like a sliding away of another world, the world I was in closed
and a new and more splendid world was opened to me.
My mother once again joined me. But this time I was to be
greeted by all the many faces of loved ones with whom had passed
so many years before me. Each one of them took me in
their arms and welcomed me to the new world in which they lived.
They all looked so wonderful, so young, so happy. If only I
had known what I knew now I would not have grieved for them as I
A rush of love came over my being. My loved ones stepped
back and once again I was alone with my angel. This time the
two of us were standing on an open field, viewing what
would soon be my land. My angel said, "Think what you
would like your home to look like and it will be." My
mind visualized my home I had just come from. This home
began to form before me. I added a lovely pond, with ducks
playing in the water. When I opened my eyes, all was as I
had seen it in my mind. My home was standing before me.
This is where my new home would stand. Here I would wait for
those with whom I had left behind, knowing that one day
they, too, would join me as I had joined my loved ones and
friends. I wasn't sad any more. I understood. I was at
- My mother and I sat down on two comfortable rocking chairs in my
living room. We looked out into the beauty of what was an
array of lights, coming from out of the heavens, that seemed to
cover all things in a softness that made one feel all warm inside
just watching it.
My mothers face looked beautiful and young as it did when I was a
little girl growing up. I said to her, "Has
anyone told you how very young and beautiful you look?
Mother, you are younger and more beautiful then I had remembered
She, looking at my gaze upon her face, said, "All who come
to our world, who are advanced in age, do not remain as they were.
The young do not remain young, but grow in fullness of maturity,
depending upon how they decide to
work with their intellect. Each can be in the power of
service to our Lord, or, if they do not wish to advance, they can
enjoy a rest, perhaps learning how to use the creative abilities
they never had the opportunity to use while in the earth. The
baby matures in spirit and in powers of intellect and soul. From
the old person drop away the years of frailty, and they find
themselves without signs and evidences of old age, but with
alertness and ambition and all the things of which they were
capable at their best on earth."
- My family, my loved ones, I know what I say to you may be
difficult for you to understand. No one can grasp it all
until he experiences it for himself. I know this and so
I can only ask that you believe me now as you would have believed
me while in my physical body.
The most important message I give to you is that, far from being
fearsome as I thought death would be, I found death to be a
blessing; a transition from limitation to utter freedom; an
advancement from primary knowledge to contact with Infinite
wisdom; an opening of the door to such brilliance and
beauty of life and love and service and joy as the human heart
cannot conceive.
If I had known the happy connotation of death as I do now, without
the painful stages of material decay that we are taught while
growing up; if I could have known as I do now, that death is
only the avenue along which we all must pass from one level of
experience to another vastly better, more advanced level of
experience, lacking all things of suffering and uncertainty and
loss; to life where one may see the end from the beginning, as I
did; where all is determined by standards of unselfish love; where
there is no end to the growth one may make in all things enduring
and worth while; where one is veiled eternally with the glory of
God's love in conscious presence and power.
- When this day comes, our thoughts would not see death as an
enemy, the destroyer of families, of achievement, of life.
And so it is that I give this information to the one I write
through, knowing she will share it with a world that needs
it. My daughter shares my message with those I have left
behind. Let them know my world exists.
- God's richest blessings be upon all who will receive this
message. I bless this one I write through and may
God's blessings be upon you and upon that which you are doing in
your earth work. Its outreach is greater than you think, and
it will continue to expand in value.. I give you my blessing
and may we find time again to continue these talks.
Good night!

The above is part of her up-coming book What
Happens When We
Not all of Patricia's Readings produce this detailed information.
Normally a reading consist of Patricia speaking to you on the
phone and giving you the information that comes from the person
you wish to contact. However, in rare instances Patricia will
be contacting the loved one and they
will begin to give her such details about their world that she
goes to her computer and begins to type the message word for word
as it is given. There are no changes that are made during
the typing. This information then is sent to the person who
received the reading.
- No portion of the above may be
- used without the consent of the author.

- Copyright ©
2000 Patricia Mischell & The Positive Living Center
- All Rights