Today, more then ever before this statement must be understood before it
is too late. There comes a time for all messengers that to remain
silent would only bring havoc to those who must receive it. As a messenger
I ask not be looked upon, but to listen to my words which
may bring hope to you in a moment of darkness, Pay heed to what I say,
the time is now!
We as a society are not blind, we have been watching our world
unfold before our eyes. We cannot drink enough alcohol, we cannot
take enough drugs, we cannot indulge in enough promiscuity that will
ease the pain or take away the vision that looms before us or the truth
of what lies ahead.
We as a world can no longer pay the price of separation from one
another. The price is already a huge one. We see the dead who
continue to die daily all over the world. People with flesh like
you and I. They too, need an answer as to why? Why is this
happening to me? It does not come...and it will not come unless
all of the world stands as one being, one light, one purpose.
We as a nation, as a world are like a butterfly going through our
metamorphosis. With change comes destruction, then comes a
cleansing from deep within. All will not be lost if we can come
together. We can find an answer as a whole. But to separate
is to be lost.
Yet this need not be. We have a method! We have a solution! It
was written 2000 years ago. John 4-34, Jesus' disciples urged him to eat,
but he said to them, "I have food to eat of which you
do not know" and then Jesus said to them, "My food is to do
what the One who sent me wants me to do and to finish his work.
You have a saying, 'four more months till harvest.' But I tell
you, open your eyes and look at the fields ready for harvests
now. Already, the one who harvest is being paid and is gathering
crops for eternal life. So the one who plants and the other who
harvests celebrate at the same time."
Here the saying is true, 'One person plants, and another harvests'
I sent you to harvest a crop that you did not work on. Others did
the work, and you get to finish up their work.
We, my friends, are those people Jesus was talking to. The
harvest is ripe for the picking. We cannot wait for others to do
it. The year 2000 is just the beginning of what needs to be done.
We do not want to be late to celebrate the harvest about which Jesus spoke. Today the world is asking each of us to take on a
larger responsibility. We the people of this time must
finish the work of those who did not do their work. We cannot fail
this mission. Because our very lives will depend upon it!
I pray in the years that will follow each of my thousands of friends and
students, with whom I have shared my teachings will apply them to
those world problems each each on will face.
It is time, my friends, to heal our planet. We can no longer just swim
with the dolphins, hide ourselves within our places of meditation, talk
about what we should or we could do that would make our world, our
homes, our lives, our jobs a better place to be happy in. We must
stop our procrastination of "I will make my changes soon." We
must make this day the day we start. If we do not...soon it will
be too late.
Written by: Patricia Mischell
Copyright © 2000 Patricia Mischell &
The Positive Living Center
All Rights

No portion of the above may be used without
the consent of the author