The next person with second sight and healing ability is
my mother. I remember on her birthday one year before she opened
her birthday gifts she told us what was in each present before she
opened them. She told us of angel stories over the years that
inspired us to know about guardian angels and how they can help
us. She told a story about a time in West Virginia where she had
gone over a hill during the day to visit one of her relatives and she
had forgotten to go home before it was to late. It was very dark
and there was no light for her to find her way through the woods to get
home. She spoke about this beautiful light that shown from the
skies and lighted her path all the way home. Only a supreme being
or an angel could have done that. One of the things I learned about my psychic abilities was this. One can be born to be a visionary and a prophet. Yet if one is going to be able to filter out the negative things in the world so that they can use their gift in a positive way then this only happens when one takes on a life of intensive training of the mind, along with living a meditative life. Learning to sit in the silence and allowing God to become your teacher. Today I have learned how to consciously tap into the Akashic records and read the records for those who sit before me. It is this same intensive psychic studies I now bring to those who wish to tap into their natural abilities and their clairvoyant sight that they, too, were born with. My life and mission in this earth is to use my psychic abilities to help my clients to lead a more fulfilling life and to teach my students to do the same. Through my teachings and writings I hope to bring a personal understanding and foresight to dispel the myth that psychic ability is something you either have or don't have. My experience and training have taught me that psychic ability is a skill everyone can learn. My daughter, Rene', when she was a
young girl of thirteen was able to tell people things that astounded
them. Yet, as she grew older she did not want to use this gift as
I do. She is a wonderful mother, business woman and author.
She uses her gift on a daily basis for her family. Also, she has
dreams that come to pass! Each of us have used our gifts to aid and heal each
other since we were very young. My mother Gladys, my daughter
Cynthia, my sister Wanda have healed me many times over the years of
earaches, throat problems & female conditions. My Grandmother
was always laying hands on me as a child for a bronchial condition I was
born with.