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  "When you seek to make contact with your Higher Self through meditation, you at that moment are making contact with the Supreme Source of all things that live within you.  The God within us all"  

Over the last twenty-two years of teaching one of the most sought after desires  from my students have been to develop the higher aspects of themselves. This human craving is the same need that ancient cultures understood and explored thousands of years ago. People have sought and found ways of escaping physical reality to reach other planes of existence. A plane they accepted as an important part of everyday life. These people developed techniques of concentration and meditation so that they might perceive and control non-physical energy. It is these techniques that are being rediscovered in our time period. It is these centuries, old techniques that I wish to share with you on our web site. They are so simple and yet they have been ignored for too long. As I share them with you, you will note they are neither time consuming nor difficult. 

But I promise you these techniques, if used properly, will replace your anxiety, tension, sickness and failure with peace, harmony, health and success. Using these techniques one can learn to alter consciousness, integrate all parts of the mind and  gain inner knowledge of your higher self.

Before we go on let me share with you what the 'Higher Self' means: The Higher Self lives within you, it is the essence of humanity. It's the real source of your wisdom, your basic will to live, and your healing love.

Your Higher Self is the impelling force behind your most noble acts, your tender moments, and your best insights. Your Higher Self existed long before your body or personality came into being.  Quite simply, It is the presence of the Supreme Being within. 

meditation.jpg (5410 bytes) If you are interested in improving your life you can purchase my tapes on meditation (click here) and learn as I have to
sit in the silence and LIVE
These tapes will introduce you to the powers of the conscious and subconscious minds we each possess or the powers of the Superior Intelligence that we all share.  Meditation  will teach you to tap these amazing powers  that live within you.

You will find that learning to meditate as the weeks unfold you will learn how to convey ideas to the subconscious mind by repetition, faith, and expectancy as I did before my body went into remission from my illness.

blank psychic development award-s.gif (25093 bytes) I suggest you join me in taking my Psychic Development classes when they are available.   It is in them you will learn about how to reach the" Theta  consciousness" during your classes you will learn about how the brain works to bring you abundance. You can learn more about the Psychic Development Classes in the COMING SOON section. 


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